When Should I Consider a New Heating System?

hvac tech speaking to customersOnce the winter weather hits, people rely on their heating system to keep their homes comfortable and cozy. Whether you have a furnace, boiler, heat pump, or ductless heating system installed in your home, it’s important that it operates effectively and efficiently. If it doesn’t seem to be working as well as it used to be, it could be time to consider a replacement.

Of course, your heating system may just need some heating maintenance or repairs to get it back up and running. But, there are a few telltale signs that might point to replacing your system. While the cost of replacing your home’s heating equipment is an expense that most of us don’t want to think about, you should know that today’s systems are made to operate far more effectively and efficiently than their predecessors, so replacing could actually help you save in the long run.

If your heating system just doesn’t seem to be keeping you comfortable, these indicators might point toward getting new heating installed in your home:

Still not sure whether to replace or repair?
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Stevensville: (269) 429-9261
Coloma: (269) 468-4321

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  • You have an older heating system. Like any other type of machinery, even the most durable heating system has an expiration date. Your furnace, boiler, heat pump, or ductless heating works hard to keep you comfortable, year after year, but if it’s getting on in years and hasn’t been performing as well as you’d like, it may be time to replace it.
  • Your energy bills are on the rise. When heating equipment begins to struggle to keep up with the demands of your home, it likely will use more energy to do the same job it has done in the past. If you’ve noticed a spike in your utility bills without any additional factors (like higher utility prices or significant lifestyle changes that use more energy), it’s probably because your heating system needs to work harder for the same output.
  • You’re noticing unusual noises. Obviously, heating equipment makes some noise when it operates. That’s normal. But if you’re hearing banging, squealing, or grinding sounds coming from your system, that could indicate a major mechanical problem. If your system makes noises like that, the best thing to do is shut it off and call your HVAC contractor. You will likely need some repair services at the very least.
  • And, speaking of repairs… if you’re having to call your HVAC company for repairs more frequently, or if the repairs are becoming a major drain on your budget, replacing your system might be necessary. You can see if you’re spending too much on repairs by multiplying the cost of repairs by the age of your system. If the number is 5000 or more, then it’s probably time to start thinking about a new heating system installation.

Boelcke Heating & Air Conditioning can help you when it’s time to replace your heating.

The best thing you can do if you think you may need to replace your heating system is to give Boelcke Heating & Air Conditioning a call. We want to help you make the right choice for your home. If there’s still life in your system, we can help with any repairs or maintenance you might need. But, if you do need to replace, we’ll work with you to find the best heating equipment for your home and your budget. Simply give us a call at (269) 429-9261, and we will be more than happy to assist you.